How it all began – the story of Quality Hosts Arlberg
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How it all began - the story of Quality Hosts Arlberg

The idyllic mountain world of Arlberg is a dream destination for guests from all over the world. However, in recent years, the tourism landscape here has changed – and not always for the better. This is where our story begins. It’s about four friends, a shared vision, and the desire to make a change.

An idea is born

It all began with dissatisfaction – and the determination not just to complain, but to make a change. We, four hosts from the region, were increasingly affected by the consequences of an uncontrolled party culture and disrespectful behaviour. Our homes, our guests, our values – all were suffering.

Together, we asked ourselves: What can we do? How can we offer guests a high-quality, sustainable experience far removed from party tourism – while preserving respect for the hosts, the properties, and the region? 

First steps: from thought to action

Before our association was officially founded, we laid the groundwork. We formulated a shared booking text that clearly communicated our values and expectations. We spoke about our vision in our circles, which quickly sparked attention and interest.

The turning point came when we invited 20 interested businesses to a first discussion session in Dornbirn – organised by the experienced consultant Stefan Hagen. That day, it became clear: We were not alone. Our vision found widespread support. It was time to build something bigger.

The association is founded: Quality Hosts Arlberg

In the summer of 2022, it finally happened: Nine businesses came together to found the Quality Hosts Arlberg association. With Stefan Hagen by our side, we shaped our philosophy:

  • Our values: respect, quality, and sustainability
  • Our branding: clear and authentic
  • Our wording: welcoming, but clear
  • Our quality criteria and goals: forward-thinking hospitality

Regular consultation meetings and intensive workshops moved us forward step by step.

Growth and success: the development in 2023

Our efforts were well rewarded. By 2023, we had welcomed five new members who identified with our goals and upheld the same standards. Together, we’ve since been building a strong community that stands for quality and respect in tourism.

Our mission today

Today, we’re more than just an association. We’re a movement for sustainable and respectful hospitality in the Arlberg region. Our members not only share our values, but also benefit from a strong network, joint marketing activities, and continuous training.

For our guests, this means:

  • A holiday experience marked by quality and personal service
  • Clear communication to ensure expectations and reality align
  • An awareness of the uniqueness of our region and the desire to preserve it

Looking forward: where we’re heading

Our journey has only just begun. We’re convinced that quality, respect, and authenticity are the future of tourism – and we want to lead the way. With each new member and every idea we implement, we take another step forward.

Together, we’re shaping the Arlberg region the way we love it: a place where guests feel welcome, and hosts proudly open their doors.

More news

How it all began – the story of Quality Hosts Arlberg
How it all began - the story of Quality Hosts Arlberg
How it all began – the story of Quality Hosts Arlberg
First Renewable Energy Community in St. Anton am Arlberg
How it all began – the story of Quality Hosts Arlberg
Quality Hosts Arlberg
Quality Hosts Arlberg
Chairperson: Robert Falch // Gastigweg 53
6580 St.Anton am Arlberg // Austria
VAT no.: 1372385263
T +43 664 88675788 //